Sunday, October 19, 2008

Submerging you all in upcoming treatments

I thought I'd update everyone on the coming month-and-a half's medical schedule.

Plenty happening.

Today I'm off for a half-hour Bleomycin chemo dip (it's in and out for these little ones).

On Tuesday October 28th I'll pop in and do the same thing again.

The following day I'll visit the hospital for respiratory and audiology tests to check whether the chemotherapy has affected any lung or hearing functions - symptoms which return to normal post treatment.

Sometime late the same week I'll likely have a CT scan to map the retreating cancer and then finalise my treatment plan.

Given that stage two seminoma testicular cancer often leaves scar tissue in the lower back gland it's often difficult to be 100% certain externally that all the 'active' cancer has been completely removed (although blood tumour markers will reinforce the likelihood it has).

Depending on that CT scan result, I'll then likely simply finish my third round of chemotherapy the following week (assuming my white and red blood counts have returned to healthy levels).

That'll put the old calendar around mid-November. And it'll be rest and return to strength from there.

Oh yeah, with a trip to my urologist on November 26th for a coffee and a muffin and a ball bag presentation - so he can reflect on his handywork (lucky him).

Then all that's left are one-to-three monthly blood tests/occasional CT scans for the following two years to ensure the cancer has been well and truly licked.

Now you know.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Back home - better, stronger, chemically enhanced

A flat out week.

In a room with three others this time.

Broken sleep, strange noises and attentive nurses every night.

Puffed is me.

But I'm now two-thirds through my treatment and feeling great about that.

Did meet some extraordinary people.

Very humbling.

This disease picks on anyone at anytime. It doesn't discriminate.

The way different people deal with the fight is inspiring.

I have learnt so much about the human condition in the last few months - both physically and mentally.

REALLY looking forward to chatting with all of you this week and catching up on gossip.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

My 150th post (golf themed) celebration!

The guy that loves ironing his wood.

Getting ready to whack one off.

Somewhere between the first and second holes of the ladies' round Robin.

Well, we've had cricket and tennis analogies. Why not golf?

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm simply honouring a reader's request (refer to the comments section of the post on Tuesday 7 October).

Hee hee.

I'm now teeing off towards the 200th blog posting.


With a bit of Ford planning . . .

. . . I wouldn't have missed a thing*.

The team were at the Australian International Motorshow in Sydney yesterday, helping launch the new Ford Fiesta (amongst other things).

I was disappointed I couldn't be there to enjoy the unveiling.

And sadly found out 36 minutes too late that the event organisers had jacked up a live webcast of all media reveals.

(Poohs and wees - I landed smack bang in the Toyota presentation - yawn, boo, hiss).

Had I known this 'live streaming' fact a little earlier I could've virtually been onsite (as the quality was incredible).

Nice one, gang. From the post-reveal piccies it looked like a job truly well done.


*Apart from the hours and hours of meticulous pre-production that goes into the delivery of any live initiative.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A literary mash-up

Still resting. Still restless. Still reading.

I now find that I get impatient with a book. Then see a new one I just can't wait to rip into.

So I've decided to have five on the go at any one time.

Read a couple of chapters of one. Then a few of another.

It's like channel surfing with books.

I call it 'chapter surfing'.

Or 'hang five, dudes'.

The titles pictured above are my current (and constant) companions.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Hmmm, how to mark the 150th blog post?

Animals in costumes? Dodgy laugh-o-grams?

The 50th saw Michael Hussey raise his bat.

The 100th had two streakers flashing their front bottoms.

How to outdo that?

Post your suggestions and the 'wrongest' idea will grace the said milestone.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

My counts were a little down, so I'm home for a little longer . . .

Went into hospital for round two of chemotherapy as scheduled.

However, a blood test this morning showed my white cell count wasn't quite high enough to recommence treatment.

So, I'm back home until next Monday (when all should be back to normal).

Delaying the re-start by a week has no impact on the effectiveness of my treatment whatsoever. They factor in delays.

More importantly, they take every precaution to make sure your body is fighting fit at every turn.

Sorry to the guys from 'Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad'.

You've been evicted a lot sooner than I'd planned.

But I'm really happy that I'm being well looked after by my medical team.


Saturday, October 4, 2008









I'll be beck soon . . .

I'm heading into hospital on Monday for another five-day resort stay.

If it wasn't for the drip in my arm for eight hours daily you'd be forgiven for thinking I was bunking off - what with a huge stack of books, DVDs and CDs in my suitcase.

I'll be offline for the week (but online as far as the IV goes).

I've let the gang from 'Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad' squat at this blog address until I'm back.

Let's hope they don't get all rawk 'n' roll on it.

See you when round two of chemo has done its good thing.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Me as a new Alpha (Dog) Male

With my hair starting to vacate my scalp I took Tara's advice yesterday and looked to set to it with an electric razor.

My Jo did the honours last night (she even shaped her first name initial into the back of my locks along the way).

How does it look post crop? I'll reveal all shortly.

However, rather optimistically I reckon I look like JT in 'Alpha Dog'.

Truth is I look more like Ben Foster from same said movie.

It's certainly an all-new sensation up top.


Puffing Philly

I was in at the hospital this morning having respiratory function checks ahead of next week's round two of chemotherapy.

They are checking to make sure that one of the cytotoxin drugs - Bleomycin - hasn't adversely affected my lung capacity (which it occasionally can do).

Most test results suggested it hasn't caused any problems. (Note: Lance Armstrong opted not to have Bleomycin during his testicular cancer treatment because he didn't want to risk any lung capacity reduction because his sporting/financial future obviously depended on a super set of blow bags.)

However, while sitting inside the test bubble/box I nearly popped out a little fart* while I was huffing and puffing. Had to do everything in my power to stop from giggling uncontrollably.

Another fun little life experience to file away.


*Speaking of farts (and I do a lot), yesterday I was in 'The Warehouse' (the Kiwi version of 'Costco') and all alone in a DVD aisle when a female retail assistant walked by and clearly released a proverbial 'silent but violent' air biscuit. It was rancid. More toxic than my post-chemo blasts. She then left me all alone in the aisle again, struggling with strangulation at the hands of her pungent, floating pooh flakes. Obviously I had no choice but to vacate the aisle in case someone entered the space and thought it was me. Which I wasn't prepared to risk. From the safety of the next aisle I watched for a few minutes as others entered the chemical spill zone and themselves struggled with the fumes. Hilarious. Finally, with a copy of 'Happy Days: Season One' and 'Rebel Without A Cause' in my hot little hands I headed to the sales counter where Miss Massive-Stink-Arse smiled and served me. I couldn't bring myself to say it, but was dying to suggest I get a discount on account of the stress her feral sphincter had caused me (and others). Yuk!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hair, there and everywhere

Last night I noticed that my hair was starting to fall out.

Quite weird in that you could pull a clump firmly and it would just 'come right out'.

How do I feel about that?

Pretty good, actually. It means the cytotoxic content that has been pumped through my body is clearly doing its job.

I did wonder for a moment whether it had gone into my veins and leaked out of my shoes.

Now to find out what human hair fetches on eBay.

Or whether there's such a thing as the Hair Fairy. I'd simply have to turn my pillow over and rake in the coins.
