Friday, December 26, 2008

How's my running going?

Let's just say that a few weeks ago I felt like the guy on the left side of the above image.

And I'm now feeling more like the other chap.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ollie, ollie, ollie

I'm taking the little man for his first skateboarding session this afternoon.

I'm Ryan Sheckler and he's Kane.

Except I'm quite shit. So I'm not really like the mighty Ryan at all.

I push 'mongo' and ride 'goofy' but will probably teach the wee one to push off the back foot and ride regular.

Got it, dudes.


My bro' the (guitar) hero

The kiddies were spoilt rotten yesterday. All getting a hefty haul of gadgets and trinkets.

But the biggest 'wahooo' came when my brother gave our littlies the whole Guitar Hero Rock Band shebang - mic, guitar and drum kit. They screamed as only rock fans can.

So today our house resembles an odd mix of The Osbournes and The Osmonds. Whack. Warble. Whammy. Whack. Warble.

Quite funny to see them ripping into 'No Sleep Till Brooklyn'.



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Me is a lucky boy

It's the perfect Christmas morning.

The kids were up and excited at 6.45am (which is considered an enormous sleep in).

They 'ooohed' and 'aaahed' at all the right moments when unwrapping their gifts.

We traded hugs.

And then, I got given the most awesome presents:

1. An unopened display box of CHiPs toy sunglasses from the late 70's.
2. A button badge maker - so I can customise designs for my jean jacket.

It's like being a little kid all over again.



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Popcorn and the past

"There's no such thing as an overnight success. Brantley Foster took two weeks."

So went the promo poster copy for the 1987 Michael J. Fox comedy, 'The Secret Of My Success'.

I remember it like yesterday.

'Cos I went to it about 9,768 times.

'Why on earth would you?', I hear you ask.

I was studying film at university and chose this flick for my thesis on composition (script and vision).

Our professor organised endless free cinema tickets for our feature of choice so we could take notes and scribble diagrams (remember, there was no such thing as the Internet - well, for mass consumption that is).

Unfortunately, I've lost the said assignment. But in honour of the exercise I rent the movie every year.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to pick it up for keeps for $6.99 on DVD (it's pretty hard to find).

I'll watch it tonight and think about all that's happened since those innocent 1987 days.

And like Mike's character, Brantley Foster, give (quiet) thanks to all the kind people who've allowed me to enjoy my own big city adventures for the last 10 years.


One word to sum up one heck of a year . . .

And that word?


Belief in yourself. Belief in those around you. Belief in the odds. Belief in the system. Belief in today. And most importantly, belief in tomorrow.

It's a little word, belief.

But it's a word that's huge in terms of how you choose to live your life.


Fanta Claus?

The Coca-Cola Company brilliantly 'invented' the modern day Father Christmas with their delicious red-and-white-suited jolly charmer way back last century.

And for the first time in just about as long, I'll be without the sugary brown water this Xmas.

But will more than make up for it enjoying the smiles and laughter of my three children.

Who needs artificial stimulants when the energy of your loved ones brings so much flavour to this family-filled season?


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Special times ahead

Christmas is nearly here. As is the summer (yes, NZ is warming up). As are longer days outdoors.

I've always loved the festive season. Not because of all the cool gifts (like my Six Million Dollar Man rhino/jeep set in 1978), but because of the friends and family that gather to drink, eat, laugh, sleep, and play together. Always with infectious optimism.

Yesterday we were at my parents' house helping them put up their Christmas tree when I stumbled upon my old 'Santa sack' - the one that housed all my Saint Nick goodies between 1972 - 1985 (give or take a year or two). I held it for about five minutes and just channelled all the wonderful memories - the places and the faces.

Very special. Very, very special.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

'Pre'-season training

My all-time favourite runner is US legend, Steve (Pre) Prefontaine.

He always said that to give anything less than your very best was to waste your talent.

As I laced up my trainers for my first 'jog' since July 19th I had that thought ringing in my head.

Sadly, the body won out and after about 900 metres of usual 'Pee pace' I was screwed. Puffing. Coughing.

My poor lungs were clearly blowing out the cobwebs and shaking off the after effects of chemotherapy.

I was forced to 'fast walk' for the rest of my session. A little frustrating. And a little naff looking.

However, my second 'hit out' this morning was much better.

I will stick at it. 'Cos I love running. Always have. And it's gonna be a vital part of my return to full strength.

Will let you all know when I'm back to my Kenyan best.
