Friday, December 25, 2009

Happiness etc . . .

As part of some very cool Xmas presents my parents sent all the way from NZ (including a Billy T. James DVD collection and a colorful Kiwiana calendar) was a photocopy of a piece of prose I crafted way back on 14 March 1980 as part of a written expression exercise.

I've reproduced it here for your reading pleasure . . .


"Happiness is a warm feeling that flows through my body when I have done something that's nice to someone else, or I have been on the right side of things.

Happiness can make people feel on top of the world and free of all troubles.

Happiness can be caused by a number of things such as getting top marks in class, Christmas time, etc.

I like happiness, it is a nice emotion.

Happiness is a feeling that nearly everyone has at some stage.

Happiness to me is one of my favourite feelings because I can let myself all go free and have a good time.

Happiness can mean gay and happiness can mean feeling affectionate for someone else.

But happiness to me is having a family that cares."

To quote my teacher's assessment of said piece: "Very, very good. I liked your ideas. 18 points."

Yes, some deep feelings for an 11-year-old-boy to touch upon. And some clever use of repetition to make it easier to meet the '125' word assignment regulation (in particular, note the use of etc. hee hee).

The last line's my favourite. It IS indeed perfect to have a family that cares and that has contributed in every way to what, where and why I've become who I am today.

It would be even more perfect if we could all be together for the 'Christmas time' that I state brings so much happiness.

But they're here in spirit. And that's a very close second.


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