Saturday, December 26, 2009

Three confessions (a little late, though)

I was talking to a friend about bizarre things we did as children.

Things that were a little out of character and kinda unexplainable.

In a session much like Bender, Brian, Allison, Claire and Andrew held during The Breakfast Club, we shared oddities.

My top three:

1. My grandparents (Ma and Pa) gave me a cool remote control racing car when they returned from Norfolk Island and I took it to school, pulled it to pieces and sold off the parts
2. To avoid a class we didn't like, Tim Jones, Campbell Singer and I hid inside bright yellow school patrol jackets in the cloak room and had our teacher freak out in a 'missing children' panic
3. A classmate, Stephen Hands, had a Deputy Dawg TV annual I wanted so I stole it from him and scribbled his name out of the inside front cover and wrote my own one in its place (I have it in my pop culture collection to this day)

I have no explanation for why I did any of this.

None whatsoever.


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