Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Walking back to healthiness . . .
. . . woopah oh yeah yeah (my apologies to Helen Shapiro for butchering her song).
I must admit that one of my biggest wishes right now is to lace up my running shoes and go tearing down the local river bank - like the Kenyan athlete I am (my real name is actually Filbert Midugali).
However, for now, I have to make do with 'power walking' to help with my physical recovery.
There is one massive plus with this regime. You're effectively slowed down so you have to 'stop and smell the roses'.
And listen to the birds. And look at the crazy cloud patterns in the sky. Basically, the everyday little things you largely ignore as you rush through this life.
And I reckon that's kinda cool, too.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The bookworm catches the early blurb
I'm reading a whole stack of stuff at the moment (hours attached to a chemotherapy drip forces you to chill).
From business and brand marketing tomes, to trash mags, to Abraham Lincoln biographies, to the making of Walt Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' animated epic, to the two non-fiction titles pictured above.
Dave Gorman writes superbly. I'm hoping to learn from that.
While the musical lifestyle in Laurel Canyon in the 60's/70's makes one wish for the warmth of summer and the smell of freshly cut grass (take that any which way you will - there's no right or wrong interpretation).
Am about to get back into Andy Warhol's 'POPism'.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
'Buddy' and the boys - Wow!
Having supported the Hawthorn Hawks for some eight seasons now, today I tasted what many footy fans never experience in a lifetime - their team winning a premiership.
There I was, sitting in front of the telly, wearing my trusty brown and yellow beanie and shouting like a bastard at the screen. (Morty, I can only imagine how hard you celebrated.)
A great sporting result certainly helps in the ol' recovery/healing process.
And I've had heaps to bolster my strength in the last few weeks - the All Blacks picking up the Tri-Nations and Bledisloe Cup, the Warriors smacking all before them in the NRL finals*, and the Wellington NPC side claiming the Ranfurly Shield as well as heading the championship table.
But none of those quite as sweet as today's 'flag'.
* Um, I spoke to soon. The Warriors got shafted by Manly on Saturday night. Arse.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Rockin' the R-B's
The (un)Pretty Scar Series # 4
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
No real side effects, thus far
Post-chemo you're advised to watch carefully for side effects.
The list goes something like this: mouth ulcers; shivers and shakes; shortness of breath; pain on weeing; inflamed cuts; vomiting and diarrhoea; blood in urine or bowels; blood in vomit; cuts that won't stop bleeding; unexplained bruising; ringing in the ears; unexplained tiredness; a productive cough and finally, hair loss.
I'm proud to report that I've added one to the list.
And I'm assuming it's left out of the cancer pamphlets because it's embarrassing?
The side effect?
Toxic farts.
We're talking the type of stench that could probably pull a Black Hawk chopper from the sky. Little filo-pastry-type packages of pungent and putrid purpose. Ghastly.
Pegs on noses at a thousand yards, people.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My new little PeeBoy logo
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Feeling like a giANT
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hit the strip mall for lunch today . . .
Kinda felt a little like the 'King of Pop'* when he heads out in public.
You see, my white blood cell count will be pretty low for the next 4-5 days which means I have to take care not to deliberately shack up with sick folk in case I pick up an infection.
While the doctors tell you to 'get on with your life as usual' I must admit my radar was scanning for dodgy-looking buggers who might be hacking up their lungs all over the fluoro-lit walkways.
* Or 'Wacko Jacko' depending on how you view him
Me so lucky
My Jo has just turned me onto the wicked food superpower that is Miso soup.
It's a daily ritual for me now - complementing a tray of fresh sushi.
I'll apologise again for talking about nutrient-brilliant yumminess as though I'm the only one who has ever tried Bircher muesli, vegetarian curry, fresh beetroot and carrot juice blah blah rant rant blah.
But it's a completely new thrill for me.
My taste for sugary junk is now so far away it could be a cut off a classic Dire Straits album.
Like LSD, BEC has opened my eyes to Dylan
My anti-cancer chemical cocktail, BEC (Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatin), has finally allowed me to hear Bob Dylan the way that others have heard his 'genius' for years.
Previously, I've kinda struggled with the nasal sway and loose melodies.
Yesterday I listened to the track 'Tangled Up In Blue' and drifted to somewhere quite special.
I'm about to dive back into my acid-fuelled vinyl collection and let the wax drip its long-kept secrets all over me.
The Grateful Dead, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Guess Who, and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young for starters.
I'll keep you posted.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I'm back home - dipped in fresh chemicals
Wow. What a week.
Intravenous lines in both arms.
Daily blood tests.
Some 42 hours of fluids being pumped into my veins. Much of those fluids being a mix of Cisplatin, Bleomycin and Etoposide - the chemicals responsible for killing the cancer cells in my body (which theoretically should already be on their way out).
Diuretic treatments, too - I gained 2 kg one afternoon from all the fluids. I peed seven times in 21 minutes.
I read books, I paced, I watched DVDs, I ate, I paced, I watched the clock, I wriggled, I paced, I laughed with the doctors and nurses. And above all, felt grateful for my diagnosis. Others I was with face a much harder fight.
Having my own cubicle was a blessing. Again, it was kind of like the Holiday Inn but without the mini bar.
I head back to the Cancer and Blood Centre on Monday for one further dose of Bleomycin (a half hour procedure) and am then resting at home for a fortnight before doing it all over again.
I'm one-third through and feeling great.
Thanks to everyone for their kind words last week.
You can bet I'll be chatting to you all over the coming days.
Your voices are the best medicine in the world.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Welcome back, Carulli
The Pretty Scar Series # 3
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A puff and a pull
All in a day's work . . .
Earlier this morning I was in a glass box huffing and puffing into a respiratory research contraption to capture baseline lung capacity readings.
Because some of the chemicals I'll be served over coming weeks could potentially reduce the power of my body's bellows.
During chemotherapy treatment they'll pop me back in the box and make me do the panting all over again - monitoring my progress as a precaution.
Then, this afternoon, I shuffled off to the Fertility Centre for one final wrist-off ahead of possible drug-induced sterility.
I was excited to find they had booked me into a different 'spank tank' this time.
Plenty of new printed stimulus material was at hand.
Including a 150-page pornorama called 'Fiesta'.
Don't think I'll be recommending it as a glovebox giveaway at Ford's upcoming new model launch.
I reckon 'bureaucracy' might just prevent cancer
After much chasing, many phone calls and paper trails this week it's finally official: I start chemotherapy this coming Monday.
Tell you what, if it was as hard for cancer to get into your system as it is for you to get into the system to get the cancer out of your system I'm sure the carcinogenic cells would give up before they caused any damage to anyone.
The Pretty Scar Series # 2
'You might wanna take that outfit back . . .
. . . it's got a big tear in it'.
Hee hee.
There's no way I can really justify a picture like this on my blog.
It doesn't fit any criteria.
Sure, I could post-rationalise an angle - 'the birth of the new me blah blah blah'.
But really, why?
This is simply an image that deserves to be shared.
Whoever invented the interweb deserves another pat on the back.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I've boasted about this before.
But thought I'd proudly boast again.
I haven't touched a Coca-Cola (or any other sugary, carbonated beverage) for some 51 days.
And no processed, sweet and savoury treats (lollies, biscuits, cakes and chips) have been shoved into my gob for 27 days.
I'm feeling a ton better for it.
There's plenty to be said for goodness-filled fruits and vegetables.
And plenty to be heard (if my bum trumpet is anything to go by).
Surely I'm over the addiction to junk by now?
If only I could shake my addiction to treacly music ballads.
My friend the 50+ lady DJ
As I've been noodling with JMW work today I've had the radio humming away in the background.
It's an easy listening channel I'm tuned into.
The voice of the female announcer is so warm, friendly and comforting.
I don't know who she is but I feel like I've known her forever.
Might have to tune in when I'm in hospital for chemotherapy.
She can be my virtual caregiver.
There was drama in the air, alright
I watched my daughter at her after-school drama workshop on Monday.
She was delighted (and mightily relieved) I dressed up for the occasion.
By dressing up she mean't I was wearing my normal jeans/hoody streetwear.
You see for much of the last six weeks I've been wearing dodgy at-home-comfort clothing (much like the guy pictured above).
Her biggest fear was not the live performance but the fact that Dad might front in his 'cancer clothes' (her words not mine).
Monday, September 8, 2008
Squeezing the tube
Ever since I can remember I've been using a full-sized toothpaste tube.
More recently I've been forced to use an economy tube. It's half the size of the normal offering.
Which has had me wondering: 'Does the same amount of toothpaste come out when you squeeze the half-as-big tube?'
The answer's an absolute 'yes'.
Thought some of you might like to know.
This advertisement deserves eight golds, too
Firstly, let me re-state for the record that this blog is first and foremost about my starring role in a big-stakes documentary called 'Radical Orchidectomy and the Chemical Infusion' (aka 'Pee's Affair With Cancer').
And even though my professional life is largely consumed by brand stuff I wanted to keep this site free of work musings.
However, yesterday I saw a print advertisement that warmed my very soul (so I'm placing this post in the 'Pee's positivity and happiness' drawer). Yes, a print advertisement - that form of communication most popular (and effective) pre-1990.
In a brilliant stroke of 'humility' (and fan-savvy branding) ESPN honoured Michael Phelps' eight Olympic gold medals at the same time as boldly stating that for the 9 nights of the mighty one's pursuit of history the team at ESPN were also tuned into opposition network NBC's pool coverage.
What a great piece of guerilla-total-sports-fans-are-we-reverse-psychology-meets-we've-just-muscled-into-the-conversation-although-we-were-not-an-official-sponsor type of thing.
Its cheekiness and brand relevance made me smile. Lots.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Pretty Scar Series # 1
As I was contemplating the snake-like scar that'll be left just above my pee pee for the rest of time I thought I'd start an ongoing virtual exhibition of like surgical skin art that adds a real lived-in beauty to the owners of said carvings.
I'm kicking it off with a classic Terry Richardson shot.
Friday, September 5, 2008
My life of Bryan
It's a cold and miserable Saturday here in New Zealand's 'Harbour Capital' (Wellington).
I've popped on an old, familiar jumper for warmth.
And dug into my record collection for some well-worn tunes to match.
I pulled out 'Reckless' - the 1984 Bryan Adams classic.
I know that some people loathe Mr Adams like they loathe James Blunt, Joshua Kadison, Nelly, Counting Crows, Maroon 5, Jon Secada, Celine Dion, Kenny G, Travis, Daniel Powter, Third Eye Blind, Nickelback, Creed, Craig David, Boris Gardner, Clay Aiken, Heidi Montag (yes, she's released a single), Soulja Boy, Yanni and Crazy Frog. But Bryan's crafted some hot tracks on his most iconic LP and they were the perfect low temperature pick-me-up.
Ain't in no way embarrassed to admit it.
A 'Silly Putty' teste ain't such a nutty idea
Dan, Linus and I were nattering yesterday and stumbled upon the perfect implant for my currently empty right ball bag.
Yes, 'Silly Putty' - that playful 70's fiddle and mould icon.
We reasoned that if I put a wad of the putty in my bollock sack I could then kill time when I was bored by shaping the fake teste into all manner of interesting things.
A rhino? A space helmet? A flamingo? A Lada with roofrack? A church organ? Hey, anything's possible.
Plus, if I stretch my scrote and flatten it against the pages of my favourite comic I can probably transfer a carbon copy of the said strip onto my pouch - to be read later when on the bowl.
Brilliant work, lads.
Wear for art thou? . . .
. . . in my heart, guys.
Thanks so much for the awesome hand-crafted Converse sneakers.
I am going to Scotchgard them and wear them proudly in hospital.
There are some seriously good scribbles on my new kicks - from an Adam Harriden original ($$$) to a Matt Jones doodle to a Mel White moonfest thingamy to a Swanny Fido Dido homage to a mighty Linus eight-ball icon (ironic considering) and a lick at the John Pasche-created Rolling Stones tongue logo by Jase.
To all others who lovingly doodled and noodled (and there were many, many cool stars and love hearts on board) - respect.
Special 'big ups' to Prue for cool concept direction.
Will post a photo of them as soon as my camera's fixed.
PS - Thanks to Adam H as well for the amazing 'create' sneakers. My daughter loves them.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Five Ways four three four fun
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sake and Socky
Was absolutely fantastic to see everyone last night - over a cranberry juice or five.
Just like old times (well, 48-days-ago times).
A bunch of us went up to Ju Ju in the X for some healthy Japanese action.
Looking around the table - Vicky, Rusty, Swan, Craigos, Chucky Charles, Gina (said 'Jyna' - evidently), Adam, Dan and Melamine White.
Great company. Great vocals (even though Karaoke was not officially being held last night - not that Dan cared).
Unfortunately, Mel had to ruin it all by singing mid-to-late-Eighties Billy Joel tripe.
Which almost smelled as bad as our unshoed feet. Hee hee.
Thanks gang for a fun first night back.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
'You've got an extra empty bag, sir?'
'Yeah, but don't ask me to stick it in the overhead locker.'
It goes without saying I'm bloody excited to be heading to Sydney for two days.
But there, I've said it anyway.
As someone who travelled Trans-Tasman nearly every week for 21 months it feels a little weird to be making my first flight in some 47 days.
And a little weird not to be ripping into the free Coke and slop in the business lounge like usual.
Really looking forward to some serious hug action in William Street (the office, not the pavement outside).
I'll see some of you tonight (Wednesday). And the rest of you tomorrow morning.
I'm a Ning (Nong)
This sneaker will make you fast (food)
I say it every time another slammin' new sneak comes through the mail.
But this one truly has the phattest ingredients of all in my virtual foot locker.
Muchos thanks to Nai Hillier for the shoe shot and the 'heart and sole' that came packaged with it.
As Nai so aptly puts it (as she always does): "You are probably amazed at how your health and musings on your testicle(s) have dragged people out from your past".
Too true. Hee hee.
PS - I think Hamburglar must've stolen the other trainer.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Meditate good times, c'mon . . .
As you all know the three ongoing keys to my recovery are:
1. Diet
2. Positivity (creativity)
3. Meditation
The last one took me by surprise.
I always thought it was a little fluffy.
But now I'm practising the art I'm hooked.
To drift out of your body to a beautifully peaceful place for 20 minutes a day is not to be scoffed at.
It's just another wee journey of discovery in this colourful oncological pantomime I'm starring in.
C(ancer) is for Cookie
I've been on my new fandangled nutrient-laden diet for some three weeks now - fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts (make all the one-teste jokes you like) soups and juices.
And my have I noticed the changes.
Apart from the obvious physical curiosities like rewired bowel movements I have an entirely new mindset when it comes to selecting food.
But even so, I still crave a naughty little treat here and there.
Amazingly I walk right past the confectionery, soft drink and bakery departments to scratch that itch.
No longer does the ubiquitous red and white Coca-Cola logo make my heart race. No more does my hand tremble when caressing the outer wrapping of a Moro Gold chocolate bar.
Nope. These days you'll find me rooting through the organic shelves looking for little pick-me-up treats that punch above their weight in terms of size versus goodness.
The other day I was stoked to find a very healthy chocolate chip goody called 'The Protein Cookie'. Looks like the real thing. Tastes like the real thing. But ain't full of sugar and shite.
This little wonder is a low carb, high protein marvel. To quote the wrapper: "The best tasting, soft, moist and moreish cookie that's low in carbs and high in protein and calcium. An excellent source of fibre, free of trans fats, wheat and gluten and preservatives. The ideal power protein snack with no added sugar" (apart from the few chocolate chips dropped in).
Bless the people that make these things. Bless.
Nothing better than one of these tasty morsels washed down with a 'Detox Juice' (carrot, apple, beetroot, ginger and celery).
It's weird that as a serial non-foodie I'm now quite obsessed with forensically finding fresh and flavoursome fare.
Hmmmm. Life outside the fluorescent aisles of a 7-Eleven is truly illuminating.
Spinning my vinyl wheels
As I spend my days building my strength ahead of my chemotherapy treatment I'm taking the opportunity to really enjoy my vinyl collection.
I took a trip to Real Groovy on Sunday to add to the stax of wax on my office floor.
I picked up the hilarious Bruce Willis 'The Return Of Bruno' album - cut in 1987 (with the mighty cover of 'Respect Yourself').
Sammy Davis Jr's 1977 concert from the Sydney Opera House.
And my super favourite . . . Olivia Newton-John's 'Greatest Hits Volume Three'.
An album jam packed with gooey goodness. How can you deny the genius of the following listing:
1. Heart Attack
2. Magic
3. Physical
4. Deeper Than The Night
5. Hopelessly Devoted To You
6. Make A Move On Me
7. Landslide
8. A Little More Love
9. You're The One That I Want (with the other 'JT')
10. Tied Up
11. Suddenly (with Cliff Richard)
12. Totally Hot
13. The Promise
14. Xanadu
And with a fold-out centrespread of Liv to top it off - mmm, heaven.
Have been giving this early 80's compilation LP a thrashing on my trusty retro red Crosley record player today.
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