Monday, September 1, 2008

C(ancer) is for Cookie

I've been on my new fandangled nutrient-laden diet for some three weeks now - fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts (make all the one-teste jokes you like) soups and juices.

And my have I noticed the changes.

Apart from the obvious physical curiosities like rewired bowel movements I have an entirely new mindset when it comes to selecting food.

But even so, I still crave a naughty little treat here and there.

Amazingly I walk right past the confectionery, soft drink and bakery departments to scratch that itch.

No longer does the ubiquitous red and white Coca-Cola logo make my heart race. No more does my hand tremble when caressing the outer wrapping of a Moro Gold chocolate bar.

Nope. These days you'll find me rooting through the organic shelves looking for little pick-me-up treats that punch above their weight in terms of size versus goodness.

The other day I was stoked to find a very healthy chocolate chip goody called 'The Protein Cookie'. Looks like the real thing. Tastes like the real thing. But ain't full of sugar and shite.

This little wonder is a low carb, high protein marvel. To quote the wrapper: "The best tasting, soft, moist and moreish cookie that's low in carbs and high in protein and calcium. An excellent source of fibre, free of trans fats, wheat and gluten and preservatives. The ideal power protein snack with no added sugar" (apart from the few chocolate chips dropped in).

Bless the people that make these things. Bless.

Nothing better than one of these tasty morsels washed down with a 'Detox Juice' (carrot, apple, beetroot, ginger and celery).

It's weird that as a serial non-foodie I'm now quite obsessed with forensically finding fresh and flavoursome fare.

Hmmmm. Life outside the fluorescent aisles of a 7-Eleven is truly illuminating.


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