Monday, September 8, 2008

Is this where my cancerous nut has ended up?

I'm assuming it's a cul-de-sack.



JMc said...

I'm wondering if someone created this error just for you!!!! Unbelievable, and your use of the error is also unbelievable. They think the sign post will be stolen before they remove it to do the corrections. You haven't mentioned your outing to see Madison perform yesterday? Dad and I felt her sketch was the best and best performed not because of who she is but because her concept was good, she delivered it well and with confidence, she had to carry it alone, to get someone up on stage with her is a very mature thing to do. Dad thought she was very professional. We couldn't hear a good deal of the other bits and the reason for doing the skit seemed to be lost. The other good one, while not PC was the Fat Camp. Did we see a boyfriend?? JMc

JMc said...

This sign has now been given to the Prostate Cancer Foundation as a fund raiser - I feel it should have been given to raise funds for testicle cancer. Shall be ringing the Cancer Society to see how they cover this type of cancer. JMc