Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No real side effects, thus far

Post-chemo you're advised to watch carefully for side effects.

The list goes something like this: mouth ulcers; shivers and shakes; shortness of breath; pain on weeing; inflamed cuts; vomiting and diarrhoea; blood in urine or bowels; blood in vomit; cuts that won't stop bleeding; unexplained bruising; ringing in the ears; unexplained tiredness; a productive cough and finally, hair loss.


I'm proud to report that I've added one to the list.

And I'm assuming it's left out of the cancer pamphlets because it's embarrassing?

The side effect?

Toxic farts.

We're talking the type of stench that could probably pull a Black Hawk chopper from the sky. Little filo-pastry-type packages of pungent and putrid purpose. Ghastly.

Pegs on noses at a thousand yards, people.


1 comment:

JMc said...

Thanks for sharing that - perhaps you should ask them to add it to their list of "Watch out fors"? Glad things are going well. JMc