Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A puff and a pull

All in a day's work . . .

Earlier this morning I was in a glass box huffing and puffing into a respiratory research contraption to capture baseline lung capacity readings.


Because some of the chemicals I'll be served over coming weeks could potentially reduce the power of my body's bellows.

During chemotherapy treatment they'll pop me back in the box and make me do the panting all over again - monitoring my progress as a precaution.

Then, this afternoon, I shuffled off to the Fertility Centre for one final wrist-off ahead of possible drug-induced sterility.

I was excited to find they had booked me into a different 'spank tank' this time.

Plenty of new printed stimulus material was at hand.

Including a 150-page pornorama called 'Fiesta'.

Don't think I'll be recommending it as a glovebox giveaway at Ford's upcoming new model launch.



JMc said...

Where were you and when as I was at Wgton Hospital Respiratory this morning???? JMc

pee said...

9.15am - 9.50am.

Rushed in. Puffed out.