Tuesday, September 2, 2008

'You've got an extra empty bag, sir?'

'Yeah, but don't ask me to stick it in the overhead locker.'

It goes without saying I'm bloody excited to be heading to Sydney for two days.

But there, I've said it anyway.

As someone who travelled Trans-Tasman nearly every week for 21 months it feels a little weird to be making my first flight in some 47 days.

And a little weird not to be ripping into the free Coke and slop in the business lounge like usual.

Really looking forward to some serious hug action in William Street (the office, not the pavement outside).

I'll see some of you tonight (Wednesday). And the rest of you tomorrow morning.


1 comment:

JMc said...

Thanks for the news - it is great for you to be going, have a good time and take care Love Mum