Monday, August 18, 2008

Giving Coke the cold shoulder

"Hello, my name's Philip, and I'm a Coca-holic."

Such was my outlook on the 21st of July 2008.

I could bearly (pun clearly intended) make it through the day without a bottle of the classic brown sugary potion.

Hell, I could hardly wait till 11am for my fix.

But on the 22nd of July I was told I have cancer. And as per an earlier blog I made the decision right there and then to only put into my body stuff that will make it stronger.

Coca-Cola clearly didn't make the cut.

So for some 29 days I've been Coke free.

And even with an unopened six-pack staring at me from the pantry every day I've no desire to touch the stuff again.

I'm using this little example as a reminder to myself that the mind is a very powerful thing.

I plan to use it to its fullest during my upcoming treatment.


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