Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A sneaky blow job?

My sister rung today. She's a theatre nurse.

As a recent reader of this blog she told me the trick to making my groin wound heal more quickly was to keep it clean and dry.

I've been doing okay with the former, but wearing a gauze dressing has mean't the wound has remained a little damp post its regular (and natural) daily oozing.

She suggested exposing the wound to the sunshine for a few minutes a day.

Um, we live in Wellington. And it's winter. So I'm unlikely to rely on that avenue for success.

The second option she offered up was to dry it with a conventional handheld hair dryer.

So I gave that a whirl this afternoon.

Lock bathroom door. Drop pants. Face mirror. Go.


It felt good. Too good in fact.

While I was concentrating on making sure the air flow targeted my wound, occasionally as my aim faltered I gave my you-know-what a nice blast of warm breath. Gold.

Am looking forward to another 'blow drying session' before bed tonight.

Thanks, sis.


1 comment:

JMc said...

I'm sure she meant you to concentrate on the wound! JMc