Saturday, August 23, 2008

Opening my mind to new possibilities

A special person told me about a guy called Ian Gawler late last week.

He's a very wise Australian cancer survivor and the driving force behind The Gawler Foundation.

His theories on cancer and conquering cancer are insightful and inspiring.

I'm reading his book at the moment (in tandem with 'The Art of Happiness').

In essence, Gawler says that a 'healthy' body cannot have cancer. A healthy body's immune system will eradicate cancer before it shows itself physically. If the body's natural immunity is broken (as a result of elements such as diet - a 35% factor, infections, stresses, geophysical catalysts and pollutants) then cancer can take hold.

To conquer cancer and live a long, full life one has to completely restore the body's natural immunity (not just remove the 'visible' cancer tumour/s - they will return if the body's natural ecosystem remains flawed).

How one restores the body's natural immunity differs from person to person depending on what type of cancer they have, but to cut a long story short, in tandem with the support of modern medicine there are three key steps to wellness:

1. Diet (mine has already had a major overhaul - probiotics, grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits - amazing)
2. Meditation (I'm studying it right now)
3. Positive affirmation/ thinking (already well onto it - thanks in the main to all of you who've given me such strength)

While to some Gawler's theories may sound a bit 'hippy', when you absorb them fully it's like 'duh, common sense'.

And even though I currently still have the disease present in my body (pending upcoming treatment), after three weeks of diet wonderfulness and positive reflection I'm feeling bizarrely brilliant.



JMc said...

Great stuff - I must say I haven't heard of this man so many thanks to the person who put you on to this. Perhaps I should read it also! JMc

Anonymous said...

Pee, this sounds like a very interesting book, certainly some interesting ideas from what you say here. Might be worth a look.

I have a small collection (of yet to be fully read/comprehended) books on Zen and Zen in Japanese Culture. From my initial readings, there is a lot of philosophy (philosopee!?) that I think parallels what you are reading....

Drop me a mail P, I don't have a non JMW address for you.

pee said...
