Sunday, August 3, 2008

Things you take for granted

Everyday you do stuff and don't even give a second thought to it. It just happens. Your body just gets on with it.

But when you've got a mighty sore 12cm incision just above your groin it seems that almost everything you do everyday is both painful and challenging.

Like what?

Like singing songs. Like eating toast. Like putting on socks. Like laughing a little. Like getting in and out of bed. Like doing your teeth. Like breathing. Like taking a pee. And, yes, like taking a poop. Good lord. Taking a poop.

The challenge for me was three-fold.

Firstly, I'm on painkillers that cause constipation.

Secondly, I'm not allowed to push and strain (in case of a hernia).

Thirdly, it just bloody hurts to squat.

So, obvious problems all round.

On Saturday morning (after four days of no # 2 action) I felt someone knocking on my back door.

My cue to launch into a very complex plan I'd been hatching for the past two days.

It involved a system of levers, cushions, pillows, and gentle breathing.

I was jubilant as I hobbled around telling everyone within earshot that I'd successfully been to the toilet.

And hadn't got stuck. Had a hernia. Or missed the bowl.

Bet you all wanted to know that.


1 comment:

JMc said...

Yes for your wellbeing we did need to know and you reported it well. I've been thinking perhaps you should write a manual for patients leaving hospital after reading all your comments! JMc